Call for Hands-On Tutorials
KDD is the premier Data Science conference. The hands-on tutorials of KDD aim to provide an interactive learning experience, allowing participants to actively engage with cutting-edge tools, methodologies, and datasets to solve real-world problems. We invite original hands-on tutorial contributions in all aspects of the data science and machine learning lifecycle, including but not limited to: data cleaning and preparation, data transformation, mining, inference, learning, scalability, explainability, data privacy, dissemination of results, and large language models.
Key Dates
- Submission: March 21st, 2025
- Notification: May 1st, 2025
- Camera-ready proceedings: June 3rd, 2025
- Tutorial materials/website: July 1st, 2025
- Conference: August 3-7, 2025
All deadlines will be at 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time.
What Are Hands-on Tutorials?
A hands-on tutorial provides participants with an interactive learning experience, emphasizing the practical application of cutting-edge systems and tools relevant to the data mining and machine learning community. These tutorials are designed to accommodate a wide range of participants, from beginners to moderately skilled users, ensuring that the pace is accessible and engaging for all.
Two types of hands-on tutorials are welcomed:
- System-Focused Tutorials: These tutorials center around a specific tool or system, guiding attendees through its motivation, foundational concepts, and practical use cases. Participants will gain a deep understanding of how to apply the tool effectively.
- Problem-Solving Tutorials: These tutorials focus on addressing specific challenges or tasks, showcasing how various tools can be applied to solve problems. These sessions may involve comparing tools or demonstrating their integration to achieve a solution.
Both types of hands-on tutorials should prioritize active participation, allowing attendees to engage directly by writing code, running experiments, or interacting with systems to solve real-world problems. Tools featured in the tutorials can include established systems with demonstrated utility or emerging tools with significant potential and educational value.
Hands-on tutorials will be 3 hours in duration and should include a clear description of any publicly available resource requirements (e.g., software, computing infrastructure) to ensure feasibility.
We invite proposals from researchers, creators, experienced practitioners and tutors of data mining systems and tools. Each proposal must include the following details:
- A descriptive title
- An abstract (up to 300 words)
- Target audience and prerequisites for the tutorial (e.g. audience expertise)
- Tutors’ name, affiliation, email, address, phone number, and a short bio (up to 200 words per tutor)
- Lists of in-person presenters and contributors
- List of in-person presenters includes tutors who will attend KDD and present part of the tutorial
- List of contributors includes tutors who will only help prepare the tutorial material
- Corresponding tutor with her/his email address
- Tutorial outline. Please specify the type of the tuorial (system-focused or problem-solving) and provide the content in as much detail as possible
- If the tutorial or a similar/highly related tutorial has been presented before (either by the same author(s) or by others): A list of forums, their event dates and locations, the number of participants, and the similarities/differences of prior tutorials to the one proposed for prior KDDs (up to 100 words for each entry)
- A list including sufficient number of most important references related to the tutorial
- Strategies that you plan to employ to encourage audience participation and interactivity throughout the tutorial presentation
- A list of publicly available resource requirements (e.g., software, computing infrastructure, dataset, etc) that are necessary for participants to use during the tutorial
- A brief discussion of the potential societal impacts of your tutorial
Proposals should be submitted to http://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/KDDHandsOnTutorials2025/ by March 21st, 2025.
Authors should submit a short summary of the tutorial to be included in the conference proceedings. The summary (maximum 2 pages) should include tutorial title, abstract, and presenters’ biography.
Template guidelines are here: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template
For tutorial materials/website, the tutorial should be made available as a Github page with the following details: Presenters’ names and bibliography, tutorial outline and what will the participants learn from the tutorial.
See examples from past Hands-On Tutorials: KDD 2018, KDD 2022, KDD 2023, KDD 2024.
For each accepted tutorial, we expect all the in-person presenters listed in the tutorial proposal to attend the conference in person and present the tutorial. All the tutorials should be in person, so there must be at least one in-person presenter. Authors of all accepted tutorials must prepare a summary to be included in the conference proceedings and deliver the tutorial at the conference.
The summaries of accepted tutorials will be published in the conference proceedings by ACM and also appear in the ACM Digital Library. The rights retained by authors who transfer copyright to ACM can be found here.
Tutorial Co-Chairs, Hands-on
Lingyang Chu, McMaster University
Jae-Gil Lee, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Calisto Zuzarte, IBM Toronto Lab
Contact email: KDD25-hands-on-tutorial-chairs@acm.org