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Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the notification dates for papers?
For the August Cycle, notifications would be sent to authors on Nov 16, 2024.
For the February Cycle, notifications would be sent to authors on May 16, 2025
- I have a paper accepted at the conference — do I have to register to the conference?
To be included in the proceedings, each accepted paper must be covered by a full or main conference registration at the standard (non-student) in-person rate — the payment for such registration must be completed by the camera-ready deadline.
- Can the same manuscript be submitted to both KDD’25 deadlines? That is, is it possible to submit by the August deadline, get a rejection, and then resubmit by the February deadline?
No — the same manuscript cannot be submitted twice to the same track of KDD’25.
- Can a paper that received a “Reject” decision at KDD’25 August Cycle, be submitted to KDD’25 February Cycle deadline after significant changes?
No. Only “Resubmit” papers from KDD’25 August Cycle may be submitted to the KDD’25 February Cycle deadline. Rejected papers face a one-year waiting period. You may submit it to the KDD’26 first deadline.
- Can a paper that was withdrawn or rejected from one track of KDD’25 (e.g., research, ADS) be submitted to another track in the following cycle?
Only if the reason for withdrawal or rejection was a misfit with the original track. Whether the submission would be in scope for another track is at the discretion of the receiving program committee.
- Can a paper that was withdrawn from the KDD’25 August Cycle, be submitted to KDD’25 February Cycle?
Only if the effective withdrawal date fell before reviews were released to authors on October 4, 2024. Papers withdrawn after this date face a one-year waiting period and may be submitted to the KDD’26 first deadline.
- Can original submissions be sent to either the August or February submission cycles?
Yes. Each cycle will accept both new submissions and resubmissions, but resubmissions can only be sent to the cycle immediately following the “Resubmit” decision. Waiting an additional cycle before resubmitting will cause the paper to be evaluated as a new submission.
- Will papers submitted to the August Cycle appear before papers submitted to the February cycle?
There will be two volumes of the proceedings. Papers accepted by the August Cycle will appear in Vol. 1, while papers accepted by the February cycle will appear in Vol. 2. However, accepted papers for both cycles will all be presented together in-person at the KDD 2025 conference taking place in Toronto in August 2025
- What is the acceptance rate for papers that are resubmitted after receiving a “resubmit” decision?
There has not been long-term historical data available as this is a relatively new practice by KDD. For KDD’25 August Cycle, the Research Track has an acceptance rate of 19% for all papers, and 43% considering only resubmission papers. The ADS Track has an acceptance rate of 20% for all papers, and 52% considering only resubmission papers.
- How will a paper that received a “Resubmit” decision in the previous cycle be treated by the PC of the immediately following cycle?
The reviewers/AC/SAC of a resubmitted manuscript will have access to the previously submitted manuscript and its reviews. The set of reviewers/AC that will evaluate the resubmitted manuscript will likely include some who evaluated the previous manuscript.
- Can a paper that received a “Resubmit” decision at the KDD’25 August Cycle, be submitted not by the KDD’25 February Cycle but, rather, by KDD’26 first deadline?
A Resubmit paper from KDD’25 August cycle is only eligible for resubmission status in the immediately following KDD’25 February cycle. If submitted later than that, it will be treated as a regular submission.
- Am I allowed to submit a “resubmit” paper to other conferences?
The Resubmit status is an invitation, not an obligation, to submit a revision. Authors may choose to send the paper to another venue. However, there should never be any overlapping time period in which the same or substantially similar manuscripts are under consideration by KDD and another venue.
- Am I allowed to change the set, or the ordering, of authors of a “resubmit” paper?
Yes, you are allowed to change the list of authors of a “resubmit” paper.
- How do I make it known that my paper is a resubmission?
In the paper submission form, you specify the OpenReview URL of your previous KDD submission (this URL will look like<some string>) in the “Paper Link” field. For KDD’25 February Cycle, the first page of the submitted PDF (not counted in the content limit of 8 pages) must be a “Summary of Changes”; going beyond the first page is considered a violation.
- Am I allowed to indicate the changes in the PDF of the submission, either by coloring texts differently or listing changes in the appendix?
No. You are only allowed to specify the “Summary of Changes” on the first page. The remaining pages of the PDF should otherwise look like a regular submission.
- Can a paper that received a “resubmit” decision at the KDD’25 August Cycle, be submitted not a resubmission but, rather, as a regular submission to KDD’25 February Cycle?
Yes. If you indicate ‘No’ to the ‘Resubmission Flag’ and leave the ‘Paper Link’ field empty in the submission form, your submission will be treated as a regular submission. In this case, you forego the opportunity for reviewers to see the previous reviews.
- Can a paper that received a “resubmit” decision at KDD’25 Applied Data Science Track be resubmitted to the KDD’25 Research Track (vice versa)?
No. We recognize a resubmission only within the same track. If you change track, you must submit the paper as a regular submission, which will be processed without referencing the previous reviews.
- Am I allowed to include reviews from another conference other than KDD 2025?
No. KDD 2025 February Cycle only allows resubmission of KDD 2025 August Cycle papers with Resubmit decision. You are not allowed to include reviews from any other conference in your submission.
Compliance with Policies
- What counts as misconduct?
In general, we expect authors, PC, the organizing committee, and other volunteers to adhere to ACM’s Conflict of Interest Policy as well as the ACM’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Any transgression that falls short of ethical standards will be investigated and may face disciplinary actions. Such transgressions include, but are not limited to, falsification, dual submission, collusion, pressuring any member of the program committee.
- What is the consequence of a misconduct?
Convicted papers will be rejected or removed from the proceedings. Convicted individuals, which may include all authors of a convicted paper, will face a 3-year ban from SIGKDD events. The ban covers submitting a paper, reviewing, being considered for awards, etc.
- How do I indicate conflicts of interest?
Conflicts are detected automatically in OpenReview. For this reason, every author must have a complete profile, which includes (i) Advisors & Other Relations and (ii) Recent Publications (can be imported from DBLP). Incomplete OpenReview profile is sufficient ground for desk rejection.