KDD Feb 2025 Call For Reviewers

KDD is the premier Data Science conference, hosting both a Research and an Applied Data Science Track.  KDD supports multiple submission cycles per year.  For KDD 2025, the first cycle is already complete with submissions due on August 1, 2024 and the second cycle is underway with submissions due on February 3, 2025 (and full paper deadlines on February 10, 2025).

The conference will take place in Toronto, Canada, from Sunday, August 3, 2025 to Thursday, August 7, 2025.

We invite researchers, practitioners, and industry subject matter experts to apply to review for the Research and Applied Data Science (ADS) Track.

Candidate reviewers should meet two requirements:

Key dates for reviewing

We hope to keep these dates fixed, but they may be subject to small changes:

If you are interested to be a reviewer, and can commit to the requirements above, please submit your application to review here
We will review applications by Jan 2025 and send out invitation emails for accepted reviewers no later than Jan 30, 2025. You will receive a link from OpenReview to join as a reviewer if you are accepted. Please accept the invitation.

Using OpenReview for paper submissions and reviews

We will use OpenReview to manage the submissions and reviewing. All reviewers must have an up-to-date OpenReview profile. Here is information on how to create an OpenReview profile. Note that OpenReview may take up to two weeks to accept a newly-created profile, so please start early—their moderation policy states:

To be considered complete, your OpenReview profile must include current and past institutional affiliation (going back at least 5 years), homepage, DBLP (only if you have prior publications), ORCID, Advisors and Recent Publications. Please also enter your Google Scholar page and any other information where possible. 

Your papers should be automatically imported from your DBLP profile, but if you have a pre-existing profile without DBLP information, please follow OpenReview’s instructions on How to import papers from DBLP. If some papers are still missing, please follow the OpenReview instructions on How to upload papers directly

Thank you, and we look forward to having you join us as a reviewer for KDD 2025 Research or ADS Track.

Reviewer load

While the final load for reviewers will depend on the number of submissions, we expect around 5 papers per reviewer, with the possibility this could grow to as much as 10 papers in the event of an unexpected surge of submissions.

Reviewer awards

We will publish awards for excellent reviewers on the KDD website. Details for this program will be made available later. Reviewer awards will be based on quality of reviews and engagement, timeliness, and paper load.