Call for Lecture-Style Tutorials

Continuing the tradition of bridging the gap between research and real-world applications, we are excited to announce a call for proposals for lecture-style tutorials at KDD 2025. A lecture-style tutorial will cover the state-of-the-art research, development and applications in a specific data mining related area, and stimulate and facilitate future work.

We invite original tutorial contributions in all aspects of the data science and machine learning lifecycle, including but not limited to: data cleaning and preparation, data transformation, mining, inference, learning, scalability, explainability, data privacy, generative models and especially how they relate to data science, and dissemination of results.

Tutorials on interdisciplinary directions, bridging scientific research and applied communities, novel and fast growing directions, and significant applications are highly encouraged. We encourage tutorials in areas that may be different from the usual KDD mainstream, but are still very much related to the KDD mission and objectives of gaining insight from data.

In order to maximize the impact and visibility of accepted tutorials, as well as recognize the high-quality of the presented tutorials, we follow the practice from last year and require the 8-page survey paper in the tutorial submission, which will accompany the tutorial and will be published as part of KDD 2025 proceedings.

All tutorials will be part of the main conference technical program, and are available free of charge to the attendees of the conference.

Lecture-style tutorials will be 3 hours in duration.

See examples from past lecture-style tutorials: KDD 2022, KDD 2023, KDD 2024

Key Dates

All deadlines will be at 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time.

Tutorial Proposal

We invite proposals from researchers, creators, experienced practitioners and tutors of data mining systems and tools. Each submission must include the following documents, containing the following details respectively:

Submission Information

Proposals should be submitted to

Note that there is a mandatory abstract submission on March 4, 2025 followed by the proposal submission on March 11, 2025. The final proposal submission should contain all three documents listed above (Abstract, Tutorial Description and Logistics, and Survey Paper).

Tutorial Materials

Upon acceptance, the tutors are required to prepare the following materials and submit them by July 1, 2025:

Camera Ready Submission

The camera-ready version of the Survey Paper is due on May 31, 2025.

Important Guidelines & Policies

Conditional Acceptances

Tutorial proposal acceptance is conditioned on (a) the prompt delivery of high-quality tutorial materials by the stated deadline of July 1, 2025, and (b) the attendance and presentation in-person of all the stated presenters (see below). Tutorials which fail to meet both conditions may be rejected post-notification.


For each accepted tutorial, we expect all the in-person presenters listed in the tutorial proposal to attend the conference in person and present the tutorial. All the tutorials should be in person, and all presenters must be in person. In case one or more of the presenters cannot attend in person, this will be handled on a case-by-case basis by the organizers who will attempt to work with the tutorial proposers to identify a potential solution, however the default action will be to reject the tutorial if a solution that leads to a high-quality in-person presentation cannot be reached.

Overlap Statement

In the tutorial proposal submission, proposers must make clear whether the proposed tutorial has been presented at some other venue before or whether it is currently being considered to appear at a different venue in parallel to KDD. Even though such overlap or prior presentation does not disqualify a tutorial submission, the proposers should clearly describe the overlap and clarify what (if anything) is different and/or new in the KDD version.

Survey Paper Originality

The survey paper will be published in the conference proceedings by ACM and also appear in the ACM Digital Library. As a result it is a requirement that itself or substantially overlapping versions of it have not been published at another archival venue (e.g., conference with proceedings or a journal). Exceptions include papers at workshops without proceedings, arXiv submissions, and surveys part of technical reports or university theses.

Copyright Information

The rights retained by authors who transfer copyright to ACM can be found here.

Lecture Style Tutorial Co-Chairs

Jingrui He (

Meng Jiang (

Kyuseok Shim (

Contact email: