Call for Workshop Proposal

The KDD 2025 organizing committee solicits proposals for full-day and half-day workshops to be held in conjunction with the main conference. The purpose of a workshop is to provide an opportunity for participants from academia, industry, government, and other related parties to present and discuss novel ideas on current and emerging topics relevant to knowledge discovery and data mining. It is a structured means for people with common interests to form communities.

Important Dates (Time: 11:59 PM Anywhere on Earth)


Each workshop should be organized under a well-defined theme focusing on emerging research areas, challenging problems, and/or industrial/governmental applications related to the broadly defined KDD community. The goal of the workshops is to provide a flexible forum to discuss important research questions and practical challenges in data mining and related areas in a timely and interactive manner. Novel ideas, controversial issues, open problems, and comparisons of competing approaches are strongly encouraged as workshop topics. In particular, to create a more engaging and flexible forum where participants can actively contribute and collaborate rather than observe presentations, we would like to encourage organizers to avoid a mini-conference format by (i) encouraging the submission of position papers and extended abstracts, (ii) allowing plenty of time for discussions and debates, and (iii) organizing workshop panels.

Organizers have free control over the format, style, and building blocks of the workshop. Possible contents of a workshop include but are not limited to invited talks, regular papers/posters, panels, and other pragmatic alternatives. In case workshop proposers need extra time to prepare their workshop, early decisions may be considered if justified. Note that KDD, this year, is limited to only in-person activities, which means we will be unable to support workshops that include virtual/hybrid components.

Topics of Interest

Possible workshop topics include a wide range of areas, including but not limited to data mining, knowledge discovery, data science, machine learning, statistics, applications, and technical, analytical, social, and behavioral perspectives of data and information sciences.

Interdisciplinary workshops that explore the convergence of data mining and data sciences with various disciplines (such as health, pandemic responses, medicine, biology, physics, sustainability, ecology, business, social sciences, economics, public policies, political science, humanities, material science, industrial engineering, transportation, education, or aerospace) are of high interest.

Workshops in emerging areas are also highly sought. Examples include pre-trained big models, interpretable machine learning, machine learning for science, robustness of machine learning to adversarial attacks, Bayesian deep learning, fairness, privacy and ethical aspects of data mining and machine learning, computational social sciences, multi-agent systems, learning in games, self-supervised learning, federated learning, machine learning and causal analysis, large-scale computing, urban computing, political data analysis, dis/mis-information, Internet of Things, computational sustainability, interactive and visual analytics, and computational creativity. Or any other topic relevant to an appreciable fraction of the KDD community.


Organizers of accepted workshops are expected to announce the workshop and disseminate calls for papers, make and maintain the workshop website, gather submissions, conduct the reviewing process, and decide upon the final workshop program. They are also required to prepare workshop proceedings to be distributed online on a website maintained by the workshop organizers. Workshop organizers may choose to form organizing or program committees aiming to accomplish these tasks successfully.

Note: Workshop papers will not be archived in the ACM Digital Library. However, workshop organizers may set up any archived publication mechanism that best suits their workshop.


The proposal should contain the following information:

Workshop proposals should be submitted by Feb 10th, 2025 at 11:59PM Anywhere on Earth. Please prepare one single PDF that contains the aforementioned contents and submit it via CMT. The submission website is

Program Chairs

Hanghang Tong, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Xiaorui Liu, North Carolina State University
James Bailey, The University of Melbourne
Grace Wang, New Jersey Institute of Technology

If you have any questions, please contact: